

Hi, I’m Sophie

Photographer, educator, and guide into all things photography

It is my humble opinion that working for yourself can be the most rewarding and loneliest thing you will experience, which is why education has become a passion for me.


After working in studios for 10 years, never being told I was good enough, constantly doubting and second-guessing if I could ever go out on my own.. I did it anyway.


I did the brave thing and here I am, right? We both know that’s not how it goes here…


It is hard and tiring, and heart draining. Photography requires you to go deep.. it makes 9-5 look appealing when your eyes are bleeding at 3 am wondering why in the world you feel aLL the feelings and need to capture baby eyelashes for a living?


Why oh why are you the one so deeply sentimental and your clients can so easily press ‘delete’ and move on


Education with me is not just about photography. It’s about you, your business, and making this work in real life.



I don’t want you to walk away feeling better about your ISO, I want you walking away feeling better as a whole. As a human, and a woman in business that can now nail it better and trust that this is a job that can not only make you happy but make you money.


You deserve both.


Right now, for me, the best impact I can make is working with small groups and immersing ourselves in this stuff. Being together, as a small group and learning from me, yes, but learning from one another and curing the loneliness aspect, and creating a tribe and a network within the group you’re learning with. THAT is the ongoing value here.. the community over competition, fist-pumping support you will receive from the businesses around you that are on the same journey.


And then, we continue to grow.



the sophie lea academy


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